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2020 NFHS Memo – Pitching Revolutions Memorandum

Lyle Dove


To: NFHS Softball State Association Administrators
From: Sandy Searcy, Director of Sports
Subject: 2020 Rules Interpretation

Date: February 17, 2020

The NFHS has received an rules interpretation request. The area of concern is, a pitcher using two revolutions during her windup but releasing the ball after the first revolution. A video of this particular pitch is being shared via social media, and verbiage professes this to be a legal pitch.

This pitch is illegal based on Rule 6-1-4e.

ART. 4 . . . The pitcher may use any windup desired provided:
e. the pitcher does not continue to wind up after taking the forward step or after the ball is released.NOTE: Continuation of the windup is considered any action that, after the ball is released, causes the arm to continue to rotate past the shoulder.

The NFHS provides this information to keep members informed of errant information that is being circulated. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

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