Existing Members
OCSOA registration will be conducted in the same manner as 2023 via the OCSOA.INFO website and online credit card as the payment method. No checks or cash will be accepted. And as before, you will be able to use normal credit cards if you do not have a paypal account. Below are the steps for returning members that will be validated upon purchase of the registration. For NEW MEMBERS, CLICK HERE.
Returning Members
- In the upper left corner of the website, click on the ‘login’ button
- Fill out your information, either username or your email, and click login. If you don’t remember your password, select the option ‘Forgot your password?’, and complete the information. You will then be prompted to login again once you validate your login information.
- Once logged in, you will need to verify your membership settings are valid. As a previous member, you do not have to reconfirm your Insurance, Waiver & Conscent, or Ethics form acknowledgements. Selecting them in a previous season is perpetual and will be in effect as long as you are a consecutive member of OCSOA and in good standing.
The primary item is to validate and confirm your NASO Number and expiration date of your insurance. This will be confirmed before you will be fully registered, so please make sure you validate all information.
The 2025 REGISTRATION STATUS link above will indicate if you are missing something and it is UP TO YOU to resolve any issues by contacting either Steven Thompson for any billing related issues or Lyle Dove for any technical related issues.
- As a returning member, you will only need to reconfirm your ‘experation date’ of the NASO insurance and confirm the number is valid. You can do this by visiting the naso website, and selecting ‘Join/Renew’ -> ‘My Account’. Enter your in information and you can confirm the expiration date. You will need to ensure you are entering the information last used when purchasing NASO such as your email and zipcode as noted on the My Account page.
- Once your membership is confirmed, you can now select the option to register, and purchase NASO insurance through OCSOA on the ‘shop’ as well for a discounted rate if you have not registered through another group/sport or individually. Click ‘Shop’ at the top of the page to add the items to cart by clicking on the ‘Add to Card’ button on each item being purchased. Once added, click on ‘View Cart’ or the shopping card icon at the top of the screen.
- Click the ‘Proceed to checkout’ button to continue to pay.
- Verify the order, enter your Billing information, Credit/Debit card information click the appropriate check boxes and click ‘Place Order’.
- Once your order is submitted, it will be confirmed and the 2024 Registration Status link will be updated with your information. Please give 24-48hrs. Anything that is missing will be noted and it will show as not complete if anything is missing.
New Members
New members will be required to complete a website registration so information can be collected for registration purposes. This includes your NASO information(if applicable), Insurance Affidavit, Waiver & Conscent Form, Code of Ethics and Physical limitations. This is confirmed by electronic signature and will be in effect until you either change an item or quit the association.
- In the upper left corner of the website, click on the ‘login’ button and select ‘registration.
- Fill out your information, and use your email that will be associated with your email address that is used for NASO and your current address. ALL ADDRESSES MUST MATCH between OCSOA & NASO. If they don’t, we can not verify your NASO coverage and it will not show completed.
- Once logged in, you will need to verify your membership settings are valid. As a new member, you will have to confirm your insurance information(unless purchasing via OCSOA), Acknowledge the Waiver & Conscent, Ethics, & limitations section, and confirm your name. ALL ITEMS ARE REQUIRED TO BE COMPLETED OR IT WILL NOT LET YOU CONTINUE. All information information will be confirmed before you will be fully registered, so please make sure you validate all information.
The 2025 REGISTRATION STATUS link above will indicate if you are missing something and it is UP TO YOU to resolve any issues by contacting either Steven Thompson for any billing related issues or Lyle Dove for any technical related issues.
- You will only need to reconfirm your ‘experation date’ of the NASO insurance. You can do this by visiting the naso website, and selecting ‘Join/Renew’ -> ‘My Account’. Enter your in information and you can confirm the expiration date. You will need to ensure you are entering the information last used when purchasing NASO such as your email and zipcode as noted on the My Account page.
- Once your membership is confirmed, you can now select the option to register, and purchase NASO insurance through OCSOA on the ‘shop’ as well for a discounted rate if you have not registered through another group/sport or individually. Click ‘Shop’ at the top of the page to add the items to cart by clicking on Add to Cart on each item you wish to purchase. Once added, click on ‘View Cart’ link or the shopping card icon at the top of the screen.
- Click the ‘Proceed to checkout’ button to continue to pay.
- Verify the order, enter your Billing information, Credit/Debit card information click the appropriate check boxes and click ‘Place Order’.
- Once your order is submitted, it will be confirmed and the 2024 Registration Status link will be updated with your information. Please give 24-48hrs. Anything that is missing will be noted and it will show as not complete if anything is missing.