- GAME TIME LIMIT: 1 Hr 45 Min (No new)
- HOME TEAM: Coin flip at pregame
- DUGOUTS: 1st team listed (or top of bracket) has 1st base dugout
- GAME TIEBREAKTER RULE: If tied at time limit, or after 7 innings, Runner at 2nd in 8th, then at 3rd in 9th or later.
- MERCY RULE: 10 run lead after 4 innings, or 8 run lead after 5
- HELMETS: Coaches must wear helmets at 1st and 3rd
- PREGAME: ANY form of pregame hitting is permitted
- DESIGNATED PLAYERS: Courtesy runners for P and C
- SCORE REPORTS: BOTH teams return score form to Field Desk
- PROTESTS NO PROTESTS ARE ALLOWED: However, a GOLD BRACKET SEMIFINAL/FINAL issue may be presented To Tournament Director. An impartial coaches panel MAY be formed to resolve issue if necessary.
- ALL TOURNEY TEAM: Selections will be accepted according to Qualified teams (refer to sheet in packet). PLEASE Notify Director immediately after your final game.
- WILD CARD SELECTIONS: A few additional spots MAY be awarded. Nomination form is in your packet.