1. Home team will be decided by a “flip of the coin” 15 minutes prior to game time. Please submit three printed line-ups with first and last names, numbers, and positions of all players and substitutes.
2. Team dugouts will be determined by your placement on the bracket. Teams on the top part of the bracket or listed first in pool play, will have the first base side, while teams on the lower part of the bracket or listed last in pool play, will have the third base side.
3. Pitchers will have their choice of ball at anytime unless the ball goes out of play and may hold up the progress of the game.
4. No protests are allowed. If any discrepancy of rules or problems occurs, contact the Tournament Director or his/her designee before play is resumed or all decisions are final.
5. All games will be regulation seven (7) innings or no new inning is to start after one (1) hour and thirty (30) minutes of play, game will drop dead after 1 hour and 45 min, unless the game is tied. Tie games go into international tie-breaker rule at the start of the eighth inning or after 1 hour and 30 min, whichever comes first. Time limits will be eliminated for the Championship game.
6. **INTERNATIONAL RULE** After seven (7) full innings, beginning at the top of the eighth (8), the visiting team will put the last player to bat at second base. Play will continue until three (3) outs are made. At the bottom of the eighth (8) the home team will follow with the same procedure. After nine (9) full innings, beginning at the top of the tenth (10), the visiting team will put the last player to bat at third base. Play will continue until three (3) outs are made. At the bottom of the tenth (10) the home team will follow with the same procedure. This procedure will continue until the game is completed and one team has scored. The home team will still have their turn at bat if the visiting team should score in their first half of an inning.
7. MERCY RULE: If either team is ahead by eight (8) runs or more after five (5) innings, the game will be called. The mercy rule will be eliminated in the Championship game.