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1.  Pool Play Games: Home team will be decided by a “flip of the coin” 15 minutes prior to game time. 
Bracket Games:  Higher seed is the home team, if applicable.  If 2 teams are the same seed or do not have a seed, a coin flip will determine home team.

2.  All games will be regulation seven (7) innings or no new inning is to start after one (1) hour and thirty (30) minutes of play unless the game is tied.  Drop dead at one (1) hour and forty five (45) minutes.  If a game ends in drop dead time, the score will revert back to last full inning played.  For games that must have a winner, tie games go into international tie-breaker rule at the start of the next inning after no new inning.  Time limits will be eliminated for the Varsity Championship game only.

3.  **INTERNATIONAL RULE** After seven (7) full innings or last no new inning (whichever comes first), beginning at the top of the next inning, the visiting team will put the last player to bat at second base.  Play will continue until three (3) outs are made.  At the bottom of the next inning the home team will follow the same procedure.  This procedure will continue until the game is completed and one team has scored more than another.  The home team will still have their turn at bat if the visiting team should score in their first half of an inning.

4.  RUN AHEAD RULE: If either team is ahead by eight (8) runs or more after five (5) innings, the game will be called.  The run ahead rule will be eliminated in the Championship game.

5. JV SPECIFIC RULES: For JV games, each inning will be capped at 5 runs per inning except for the Gold Championship Game. Free Substitutions will be allowed during pool play games if both teams agree to it before the game commences.

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